Intakes/Notes - Uploading Files

Intakes/Notes - Uploading Files

Patients come to you with previous records, reports from other doctors and sometimes paper copies of their informed consent to treatment documents that need to be uploaded into their chart.

From the “Intakes/Notes” page, go to “+ Upload files/notes”

and then select the type of file to be uploaded, whether that be the documents a patient could have signed on paper including their "informed consent forms", “intakes” performed, “notes” taken, or “photos.”

The date is pre-selected as the current date but it can be changed to a date in the past, say when the document you are uploading was created, and then it will show up on the intakes page according to the date and time entered.

Click on the box to choose a file, or drag files into the box. Choose who gets to see the documents, and decide if you would like to “finalize” the upload here before saving. 

Note that AcuBliss keeps track of these “informed consent” uploads and patients will be considered to have their informed consent to treatment documents signed if a staff member uploads one of these documents. You’ll notice the alert “This patient needs to sign a new version of our office policy, informed consent to treatment & HIPAA privacy policy” on their chart will go away