Filling out Health History

Filling out Health History

After insurance, comes their “Health History” which goes into the patient chart after being filled out once. Patients can work on it, save it and then “submit it to the practitioner” and it will be available for review before their first or next treatment. They can tell you about their problems, use the ‘intensity sliders’ to describe how significant their problem is, and note how they can denote a “range” or give a single number by dragging the sliders. A simple field is offered to type in more information. 

Patients have their medication and supplement bottles at home and they can fill out the exact information you need from the comfort of their home. 

The “Conditions” checkboxes are completely customizable by you and they are found in Settings>Intakes>Conditions. AcuBliss comes with a robust list of conditions, but you can remove any of them and add them as well. This section is also available for practitioners to chart in an intake. 

The “Habits and Lifestyle” section can be customized in Settings>Intakes>Habits & Lifestyle and this section is found in an intake as well if you’d like to fill it out. 

Finally, you get a chance to ask them one last thing and the default text for this section is “We think we have enough information. If you like, please tell us anything else here” but you get a chance to customize the text written here in Settings>Intakes>Habits & Lifestyle if you have some additional questions you would like to ask your patients.