Dependent Accounts

Dependent Accounts

Dependent accounts are accounts that are managed by patients (caretakers).  Examples of dependents are children under the age of 18 and elderly family members. 

Caretakers must be over 18 and have a patient portal account to manage dependent accounts.

If the caretaker doesn't have an account in the patient portal, a registration link can be sent to the caretaker in the patient chart. Once registered with a username and password, caretakers can list and manage dependents. The selected caretaker will receive any email notifications enabled, and this new patient may receive text notifications through a separate phone number.

Practitioners may "unlink" dependent patient accounts at any time in the future and give them independent access to the patient portal with their own account in AcuBliss if desired. 

For more information on the patient portal, please click here

Managing Dependent Accounts 

Patient Portal

To manage a dependent account in the patient portal, caretakers can click on their username in the right hand corner to access the Menu then click on "manage their account" and follow the steps given. The Caretaker will be able to make appointments and fill out forms for the dependent patient chart.

The Caretaker will get an email where they must verify the name and date of birth in order to manage the dependent account. 

In the Office

Practitioners can create a new patient account in the demographics section of the Caretaker's chart or manage care for an existing patient.

For new patients, click on "manage care for new patient".  choose the "link to existing account" option and choose the caretaker they would like to list the dependent under. Once the account is created, you can use the "hands-off" feature to have the caretaker sign/fill out forms for the dependent. 

To manage care for an existing patient, click on the button "Manage care for existing patient". Choose a patient from the drop down menu and enter in the date of birth, then click save.

Please contact an AcuBliss team member for any additional questions.