Do these important steps to ensure you can book patients! 

1. Make sure your practice name, email, website and logo are in Settings>Practice>General

2. If you collect sales tax, add the rate in Settings>Practice>Offices and check off “tax all items for sale by default”. While you’re there, make sure the number of rooms in your office is selected as this affects your ability to schedule patients. 

3. If a service requires a room, make a note in Settings>Practice>Services when you set up the services you offer. 

4. To make sure you can schedule yourself, go to Settings>Calendar>Service Availability to check off who is offering what service in which office. 

And then in the Calendar, give yourself some “Availability” for the office. 

5. Make sure you have given yourself and your office staff the correct “role” in the Settings>Practice>Staff page. Only give out the “Administrator” role to those you trust to make significant changes to your practice.