Calendar Settings > Control Panel

Calendar Settings > Control Panel

The “Control Panel” page of Calendar Settings shows which offices, services, or practitioners are available for booking online.

Have a service that you’d prefer patients not to be able to schedule online? Make it “offline” and they won’t see it as an available service, but you and your staff will be able to internally schedule them for that service.

You can also prevent patients from booking with certain practitioners or offices online. 

If you’d like to turn off the ability for patients to book online, take them ALL “offline” and then fill in the box here in “practice-wide options” with a message for patients when they view the patient portal.

Notice that orange question marks are there to alert you that you still need to finish setting up one or all of the following:
  • practitioners providing services

  • practitioners availability on the calendar

  • services and practitioners are both available to book online and consistent with the availability

This setting on "interval snapping" helps you when you're clicking on the calendar. If you have services that are offered in intervals of 15 (as in 30min, 45min, 60min, 75min and 90min services) then you might choose "15 minutes" from the drop down so the appointments snap to the 15. If you had services that were 40minutes long, you might want to snap to 10 minutes for example. Choose the best option so that your scheduling can be a breeze. 

A “Waiting List” helps keep your practice full when there are cancellations and you can allow both staff and patients to put themselves on the waitlist if they desire.