Billing>Miscellaneous Billing

Billing>Miscellaneous Billing

Stripe integration

AcuBliss allows you to accept credit card payments online securely using Stripe payment gateway. Whether you have a Stripe account or not, get started by hitting the “Connect with Stripe” button in Settings>Billing>Miscellaneous Billing. Stripe will charge you 2.9% + 30¢ per successful card charge. Charges you make within the AcuBliss software will also be shown on your Stripe dashboard.

If you have an "existing Stripe account" that you have used before, you'll need to know the email address that's associated with your Stripe account. If you have never had a Stripe account before, then you'll be guided on how to set up one, it's easy! 

Once you have Stripe Set up, You can simply "add the card" when paying an invoice or super bill

And then you can add cards to the "demographics" page of a patient's chart as well. 

Having a Payment Gateway like Stripe makes checking out patients so easy! 

Payment methods

AcuBliss has several pre-defined payment methods. Feel free to add your own payment methods and uncheck those you don’t use in your practice. The “Credit Card” payment method can be useful for noting when patients pay with a separate credit card processing service outside of AcuBliss. 

Add balance adjustment reason

There are times when you need to adjust a patient charge item on the invoice. When you do so, you will need to provide a reason for the adjustment. All the possible “reasons” are set here and you can add a new one if you like here.

Add invoice message

Do you have a message you wish to be displayed on a patient’s invoice? You can type it here. You can have multiple messages and when you are creating a visit or editing it, you can choose the message you wish to display on the invoice. Here, you can designate a message as the “default” message.